Electric Boomerang

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BgLegendary.pngElectric Boomerang.png
SotS Icon.pngSotS Icon.pngSeekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Electric Boomerang is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Electric Boomerang
Electric Boomerang.png
On hit chance to throw a stunning boomerang.
15% chance on hit to fire an electric boomerang that travels a short distance before returning, dealing 120% (+120% per stack) damage and stunning all enemies hit. Also deals an additional 42% (+42% per stack) per second. Can strike enemies on the way back.
Rarity Legendary
Category Damage
Stat Value Stack Add
Initial Damage 120% Linear +120%
Damage per second 42% Linear +42%

Electric Boomerang is an item in Risk of Rain 2, added in the Seekers of the Storm expansion.

When the holder hits an enemy, there is a 15% chance to fire an electric boomerang that travels a set distance before returning to the player, dealing 120% (+120% per stack) damage with a proc coefficient of 1.0 and stunning enemies hit. The initial shot and the return trip count as separate attacks, allowing each boomerang to hit twice. Additionally, after the initial strike, each boomerang deals 42% (+42% per stack) damage rapidly with a proc coefficient of 0.2.


  • Correction: The in-game description of 30% damage is largely incorrect, as this item actually deals 30% of Sawmerang.png SawmerangBgEquipment.pngSawmerang.png45sSawmerang
    Throw a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.

    Throw three large saw blades that slice through enemies for 3x400% damage. Also deals an additional 3x100% damage per second while bleeding enemies. Can strike enemies again on the way back.
    's damage, due to the boomerang projectiles being reskinned saw blades.
  • Due to a bug, while holding Sawmerang.png SawmerangBgEquipment.pngSawmerang.png45sSawmerang
    Throw a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.

    Throw three large saw blades that slice through enemies for 3x400% damage. Also deals an additional 3x100% damage per second while bleeding enemies. Can strike enemies again on the way back.
    , the boomerangs fired by this item inflict Status Bleeding.png BleedStatus Bleeding.pngBleed (Debuff)
    Damage over time.Deals 240% damage over time [3 x proc coefficient] (20% per tick, 4 ticks per second).
    on hit.
  • Boomerangs can get stuck in terrain, resulting in a large amount of hits on any enemy standing near one.


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The camp is not well. Blood, thorns and worse litter the area. Days old. He almost made it. He wanders numbly through the wreckage to salvage what he can, eyes empty.
Inside the science vessel Private Gupta finds the roster exceeds the graves he dug. Maybe some escaped. Checking crew quarters, Gupta gasps and rushes up to a mounted metallic boomerang like an old friend.
Hesitating, he pulls it from the wall. He recognizes the signature, his mom’s favorite retired ShockRunner player, ’Joseph Tharson’, of The Volts. His grip tightens as he eases shakily to a knee. Maybe he was meant to survive after all.
-Signal echoes, UES Contact Light

Version History

Seekers of the Storm
  • (Undocumented) Added new item: Electric Boomerang