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This is the documentation page for Module:Survivors

Survivors contains details of Risk of Rain 2's survivors.


Package items

survivors.SurvivorExpansion(frame) (function)
Builds a template for a survivors's expansion.
Parameter: frame Frame object (table)
Returns: Preprocessed wikitext of expansion template. (string)
survivors.SurvivorExpansionNT(frame) (function)
Builds a template for a survivors's expansion without a tooltip.
Parameter: frame Frame object (table)
Returns: Preprocessed wikitext of expansion template. (string)
survivors.SurvivorGallery(frame) (function)
Builds a gallery of all survivors in alphabetical order.
Parameter: frame Frame object (table)
Returns: Preprocessed wikitext of resultant gallery (string)
Usage: p.SurvivorGallery(mw.getCurrentFrame()) or {{#invoke:Survivors|SurvivorGallery}}
survivors.SurvivorGalleryGameOrder(frame) (function)
Builds a gallery of all survivors.
Parameter: frame Frame object (table)
Returns: Preprocessed wikitext of resultant gallery (string)
Usage: p.SurvivorGalleryGameOrder(mw.getCurrentFrame()) or {{#invoke:Survivors|SurvivorGalleryGameOrder}}
survivors.SurvivorInfobox(frame) (function)
Builds a survivor infobox.
Parameter: frame Frame object (table)
Returns: Preprocessed wikitext of resultant infobox (string)
Usage: p.SurvivorInfobox(mw.getCurrentFrame()) or {{#invoke:Survivors|SurvivorInfobox}}
survivors.BuildAllSurvivorsTable(frame) (function)
Builds a wikitable of all survivors.
Parameter: frame Frame object (table)
Returns: Preprocessed wikitext of resultant wikitable (string)
Usage: p.BuildAllSurvivorsTable(mw.getCurrentFrame()) or {{#invoke:Survivors|BuildAllSurvivorsTable}}