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Database of Risk of Rain 2's Equipments.

Equipment Entry Schema

	["Equipment Name"] = {
		Rarity = "Legendary",
		Quote = "Item quote",
		Desc = "Item description",
		Category = { "Damage" },
		Unlock = "Challenge that item is locked behind",
		ID = 1,
		LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_NAME",
Key/Column Name Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Cooldown Number (integer) ✔️ Equipment cooldown time in seconds 60
Category Table (of strings) ✔️ Array of internal item categories that the item belongs to { "Utility", "BrotherBlacklist" }
Desc String ✔️ Description of item (EN localization), formatted using wikitext and templates to match in-game UI "{{Color|d|10%}} chance to fire a missile that deals {{Color|d|300%}} {{Stack|(+300% per stack)}} TOTAL damage."
Duration Number (integer) ✔️ Equipment duration time in seconds 20
Elite String Prefix of the Elite variant that Elite equipment can drop from (EN localization) "Mending"
Expansion String Abbreviation of the expansion that unlocks this item "SotV"
ID Number (integer) Internal ID of item 1
Introduced String The game version in which the item was first introduced on PC build ""
LocalizationInternalName String ✔️ Internal name of item used for localization in \Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\StreamingAssets\Language\en\Equipment.txt "EQUIPMENT_BFG"
Name String Name of item (EN localization) "Ukulele"
Quote String ✔️ Item's flavor text (EN localization) "Luck is on your side."
Rarity String ✔️ Rarity of the item (EN localization) "Equipment"
Unlock String Name of challenge that item is locked behind (EN localization) "Moon Worshipper"

local p = {}
local equipment = {}

equipment["Disposable Missile Launcher"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Fire a swarm of missiles.",
	Desc = "Fire a swarm of {{Color|d|12}} missiles that deal {{Color|d|12x300% damage}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Duration = 1.5,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_COMMANDMISSILE",
equipment["Foreign Fruit"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Heal on use.",
	Desc = "Instantly heal for {{Color|h|50% of your maximum health}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	ID = 2,
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_FRUIT",
equipment["Glowing Meteorite"] = {
	Rarity = "Lunar Equipment",
	Quote = "Rain meteors from the sky, {{Color|#FF7F7F|hurting both enemies and allies.}}",
	Desc = "{{Color|d|Rain meteors}} from the sky, damaging ALL characters for {{Color|d|600% damage per blast}}. Lasts 20 seconds.",
	Cooldown = 140,
	Duration = 20,
	Unlock = "Moon Worshipper",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_METEOR",
equipment["Primordial Cube"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Fire a black hole that draws enemies in.",
	Desc = "Fire a black hole that {{Color|u|draws enemies within 30m into its center}}. Lasts 10 seconds",
	Cooldown = 60,
	Duration = 10,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_BLACKHOLE",
equipment["Ocular HUD"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Gain 100% Critical Strike Chance for 8 seconds.",
	Desc = "Gain {{Color|d|+100% Critical Strike Chance}} for 8 seconds.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	Duration = 8,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_CRITONUSE",
equipment["The Back-up"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Call drones for back up. Lasts 25 seconds.",
	Desc = "Call {{Color|d|4 Strike Drones}} to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.",
	Cooldown = 100,
	Duration = 25,
	Unlock = "Mechanic",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_DRONEBACKUP",
equipment["Preon Accumulator"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Fire a ball of energy that electrocutes nearby enemies before detonating.",
	Desc = "Fires preon tendrils, zapping enemies within 35m for up to {{Color|d|600% damage/second}}. On contact, detonate in an enormous 20m explosion for {{Color|d|4000% damage}}.",
	Cooldown = 140,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_BFG",
equipment["Milky Chrysalis"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Gain temporary flight.",
	Desc = "Sprout wings and {{Color|u|fly for 15 seconds}}. Gain {{Color|u|+20% movement speed}} for the duration.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	Duration = 15,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_JETPACK",
equipment["Royal Capacitor"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster.",
	Desc = "Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing {{Color|d|3000% damage}} and {{Color|d|stunning}} nearby monsters.",
	Cooldown = 20,
	Unlock = "Ascendant",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_LIGHTNING",
equipment["The Crowdfunder"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Toggle to fire. Costs gold per bullet.",
	Desc = "Fires a continuous barrage that deals {{Color|d|100% damage per bullet}}. Costs $1 per bullet. Cost increases over time.",
	Unlock = "Funded!",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_GOLDGAT",
equipment["Gnarled Woodsprite"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Heal over time. Activate to send to an ally.",
	Desc = "Gain a Woodsprite follower that heals for {{Color|h|1.5% of your maximum health/second}}. Can be sent to an ally to heal them for {{Color|h|10% of their maximum health}}.",
	Cooldown = 15,
	Unlock = "One with the Woods",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_PASSIVEHEALING",
equipment["Ifrit's Distinction"] = {
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixRed}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of fire.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of fire.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXRED",
equipment["Silence Between Two Strikes"] = {
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixBlue}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of lightning.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of lightning.",
	ID = 6,
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXBLUE",
equipment["Her Biting Embrace"] = {
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixWhite}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of ice.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of ice.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXWHITE",
equipment["N'kuhana's Retort"] = {
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixPoison}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of corruption.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of corruption.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXPOISON",
equipment["Spectral Circlet"] = {
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixHaunted}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of incorporeality.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of incorporeality.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXHAUNTED",
equipment["Shared Design"] = {
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixLunar}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of perfection.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of perfection.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXLUNAR",
equipment["Helfire Tincture"] = {
	Rarity = "Lunar Equipment",
	Quote = "Burn everything nearby... {{Color|#FF7F7F|including you and allies.}}",
	-- Modified Description
	Desc = "Ignite ALL characters within 15m for 12s. Deal {{Color|d|5% of your maximum health/second as burning}} as damage. The burn is {{Color|d|0.5x}} stronger on yourself, {{Color|d|0.25x}} stronger on allies, and {{Color|d|24x}} stronger on enemies.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Duration = 12,
	Unlock = "Multikill!",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_BURNNEARBY",
equipment["Radar Scanner"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Reveal all nearby interactables.",
	Desc = "{{Color|u|Reveal}} all interactables within 500m for {{Color|u|10 seconds}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Duration = 10,
	Unlock = "Bookworm",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_SCANNER",
equipment["Effigy of Grief"] = {
	Rarity = "Lunar Equipment",
	Quote = "Drop a permanent effigy that cripples ALL characters inside. Can place up to 5.",
	Desc = "ALL characters within are {{Color|u|slowed by 50%}} and have their {{Color|d|armor reduced by 20}}. Can place up to {{Color|u|5}}.",
	Cooldown = 15,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_CRIPPLEWARD",
equipment["Eccentric Vase"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Create a quantum tunnel between two locations.",
	Desc = "Create a {{Color|u|quantum tunnel}} of up to {{Color|u|1000m}} in length. Lasts 30 seconds.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Unlock = "Blackout",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_GATEWAY",
equipment["Spinel Tonic"] = {
	Rarity = "Lunar Equipment",
	Quote = "Gain a massive boost to ALL stats. {{Color|#FF7F7F|Chance to gain an affliction that reduces ALL stats.}}",
	Desc = "Drink the Tonic, gaining a boost for 20 seconds. Increases {{Color|d|damage}} by {{Color|d|+100%}}. Increases {{Color|d|attack speed}} by {{Color|d|+70%}}. Increases {{Color|d|armor}} by {{Color|d|+20}}. Increases {{Color|h|maximum health}} by {{Color|h|+50%}}. Increases {{Color|h|passive health regeneration}} by {{Color|h|+300%}}. Increases {{Color|u|movespeed}} by {{Color|u|+30%}}.\r\n\r\nWhen the Tonic wears off, you have a {{Color|hp|20%}} chance to gain a {{Color|hp|Tonic Affliction, reducing all of your stats}} by {{Color|hp|-5%}} {{Stack|(-5% per stack)}}.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	Duration = 20,
	Unlock = "Cosmic Explorer",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_TONIC",
equipment["Fuel Array"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Looks like it could power something. {{Color|#FF7F7F|EXTREMELY unstable...}}",
	Desc = "Looks like it could power something. {{Color|#FF7F7F|EXTREMELY unstable...}}",
	ID = "",
equipment["Blast Shower"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Cleanse all negative effects.",
	Desc = "{{Color|u|Cleanse}} all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles.",
	Cooldown = 20,
	Unlock = "Warm For Life",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_CLEANSE",
equipment["Volcanic Egg"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Transform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.",
	Desc = "Turn into a {{Color|d|draconic fireball}} for {{Color|d|5}} seconds. Deal {{Color|d|500% damage}} on impact. Detonates at the end for {{Color|d|800% damage}}.",
	Cooldown = 30,
	Duration = 5,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_FIREBALLDASH",
equipment["Jade Elephant"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Gain massive armor for 5 seconds.",
	Desc = "Gain {{Color|d|500 armor}} for {{Color|u|5 seconds}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Duration = 5,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_GAINARMOR",
equipment["Sawmerang"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Throw a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.",
	Desc = "Throw {{Color|d|three large saw blades}} that slice through enemies for {{Color|d|3x400%}} damage. Also deals an additional {{Color|d|3x100% damage per second}} while {{Color|d|bleeding}} enemies. Can {{Color|d|strike}} enemies again on the way back.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_SAWMERANG",
equipment["Recycler"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Transform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only recycle once.",
	Desc = "{{Color|u|Transform}} an Item or Equipment into a different one. {{Color|u|Can only be converted into the same tier one time}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Unlock = "Cleanup Duty",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_RECYCLER",
equipment["Super Massive Leech"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Heal for a percentage of the damage you deal for 8 seconds.",
	Desc = "{{Color|h|Heal}} for {{Color|h|20%}} of the {{Color|d|damage}} you deal. Lasts {{Color|h|8}} seconds.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	Duration = 8,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_LIFESTEALONHIT",
equipment["Gorag's Opus"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "You and all your allies enter a frenzy.",
	Desc = "All allies enter a {{Color|d|frenzy}} for {{Color|u|7}} seconds. Increases {{Color|u|movement speed}} by {{Color|u|50%}} and {{Color|d|attack speed}} by {{Color|d|100%}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Duration = 7,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_TEAMWARCRY",
equipment["Forgive Me Please"] = {
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Throw a cursed doll that repeatedly triggers your 'On Kill' effects.",
	Desc = "Throw a cursed doll out that {{Color|d|triggers}} any {{Color|d|On-Kill}} effects you have every {{Color|u|1}} second for {{Color|u|8}} seconds.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	Duration = 8,
	Unlock = "I Love Dying!",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_DEATHPROJECTILE",
equipment["Trophy Hunter's Tricorn"] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Execute a large monster and claim its {{Color|d|trophy.}} Consumed on use.",
	Desc = "{{Color|d|Execute}} any enemy capable of spawning a {{Color|d|unique reward}}, and it will drop that {{Color|d|item}}. Equipment is {{Color|u|consumed}} on use.",
	Cooldown = 0,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_BOSSHUNTER",
equipment["Trophy Hunter's Tricorn (Consumed)"] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "",
	Desc = "Looks kinda cool, but that's about it.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	ID = "",
equipment["Goobo Jr."] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Create a clone of you for 30 seconds.",
	Desc = "Spawn a gummy clone that has {{Color|d|300% damage}} and {{Color|h|300% health}}. Expires in {{Color|u|30}} seconds.",
	Cooldown = 100,
	Duration = 30,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_GUMMYCLONE",
equipment["Molotov (6-Pack)"] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Throw 6 flaming molotovs that ignite enemies upon shattering.",
	Desc = "Throw {{Color|d|6}} molotov cocktails that {{Color|d|ignites}} enemies for {{Color|d|500% base damage}}. Each molotov leaves a burning area for {{Color|d|200% damage per second}}.",
	Cooldown = 45,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_MOLOTOV",
equipment["Executive Card"] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Gain 10% cash back on all purchases. Multishops remain open.",
	Desc = "Whenever you make a gold purchase, get {{Color|u|10%}} of the spent gold back. If the purchase is a {{Color|u|multishop}} terminal, the other terminals will {{Color|u|remain open}}.",
	Cooldown = 0.1,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_MULTISHOPCARD",
equipment["Remote Caffeinator"] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Request a healing soda machine.",
	Desc = "Request an {{Color|d|Eclipse Zero Vending Machine}} from the {{Color|d|UES Safe Travels}}. Delivery guaranteed in {{Color|u|5 seconds}}, dealing {{Color|d|2000% damage}}. {{Color|h|Heal}} up to 3 targets for {{Color|h|25% of their maximum health}}.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_VENDINGMACHINE",
equipment["His Reassurance"] = {
	Expansion = "SotV",
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixEarth}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of earth.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of earth.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXEARTH",
equipment["Seed of Life"] = {
	Expansion = "SotS",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "Revives the user when killed or dead allies on activation. Consumed on use.",
	Desc = "Revives the user when killed or dead allies on activation. Consumed on use.",
	Cooldown = 60,
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_HEALANDREVIVE",
equipment["Seed of Life (Consumed)"] = {
	Expansion = "SotS",
	Rarity = "Equipment",
	Quote = "On activation places a sprout that drops healing orbs.",
	Desc = "On activation places a sprout that drops {{Color|h|healing orbs}} that heal for {{Color|h|2%}} of {{Color|h|maximum health}}.",
	Cooldown = 15,
	ID = "",
equipment["His Spiteful Boon"] = {
  Expansion = "SotS",
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixBead}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of spite.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of spite.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXBEAD",
equipment["Aurelionite's Blessing"] = {
  Expansion = "SotS",
	Rarity = "Elite Equipment",
	Elite = "{{StatusEffectLink|AffixAurelionite}}",
	Quote = "Become an aspect of radiance.",
	Desc = "Become an aspect of radiance.",
	ID = "",
	LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXAURELIONITE",
} = equipment

return p