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Database of Risk of Rain 2 status effects.

Note to editors: "Effect" and "EffectShort" CANNOT have tooltips. If using templates, make sure to use the "noTooltip" parameter.

return {
	StatusEffects = {
		-- /// BUFFS (Affixes)
		["Blazing"] = {
			Name = "Blazing",
			InternalName = "AffixRed",
			Image = "Status AffixRed",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Blazing Elite.",
			Effect = "Leave a fire trail that hurts enemies, and apply a 50% total damage {{Color|hp|burn}} on hit.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Ifrit's Distinction}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
		["Overloading"] = {
			Name = "Overloading",
			InternalName = "AffixBlue",
			Image = "Status AffixBlue",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of an Overloading Elite.",
			Effect = "Attacks explode after a delay. 50% of {{Color|hp|health}} is replaced by {{Color|u|shield}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Silence Between Two Strikes}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
		["Glacial"] = {
			Name = "Glacial",
			InternalName = "AffixWhite",
			Image = "Status AffixWhite",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Glacial Elite.",
			Effect = "Leave an ice explosion on death, and apply an 80% {{Color|u|slow}} on hit.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Her Biting Embrace}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
		["Malachite"] = {
			Name = "Malachite",
			InternalName = "AffixPoison",
			Image = "Status AffixPoison",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Malachite Elite.",
			Effect = "Shoot occassional urchins and apply {{Color|hp|healing disabled}} on hit.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|N'kuhana's Retort}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
		["Celestine"] = {
			Name = "Celestine",
			InternalName = "AffixHaunted",
			Image = "Status AffixHaunted",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Celestine Elite.",
			Effect = "{{Color|u|Cloak}} nearby allies, and apply an 80% {{Color|u|slow}} on hit.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Spectral Circlet}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
		["Perfected"] = {
			Name = "Perfected",
			InternalName = "AffixLunar",
			Image = "Status AffixLunar",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Perfected Elite.",
			Effect = "{{Color|u|Cripple}} on hit. Occasionally fire 5 bomb projectiles at enemies. Gain 35% increased {{Color|u|movement speed}}, and gain 25% {{Color|hp|max health}}. All health will be replaced with {{Color|u|shields}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Shared Design}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
		["Mending"] = {
			Name = "Mending",
			InternalName = "AffixEarth",
			Image = "Status AffixEarth",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Mending Elite.",
			Effect = "{{Color|h|Heal}} nearby non-mending allies. Produce a {{Color|h|healing core}} on death, which detonates and heals all nearby allies.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|His Reassurance}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Voidtouched"] = {
			Name = "Voidtouched",
			InternalName = "AffixVoid",
			Image = "Status AffixVoid",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Voidtouched Elite.",
			Effect = "{{Color|d|Collapse}} on hit and {{Color|u|block one hit}} every 15 seconds.",
			Source = {
				"{{MonsterLink|Void Infestor}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Gilded"] = {
			Name = "Gilded",
			InternalName = "AffixAurelionite",
			Image = "Status AffixAurelionite",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Gilded Elite.",
			Effect = "On hit, {{Color|u|gain gold,}} {{Color|u|scaling with time.}} Every {{Color|u|20 seconds,}} gain a {{StatusEffectLink|Gilded Shield}} for {{Color|u|5 seconds,}} {{Color|h|increasing armor}} by {{Color|h|60}} plus {{Color|h|10% of held gold.}} Upon taking damage while the shield is active, {{Color|u|gain gold,}} {{Color|u|scaling with time.}}",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Aurelionite's Blessing}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
		["Twisted"] = {
			Name = "Twisted",
			InternalName = "AffixBead",
			Image = "Status AffixBead",
			EffectShort = "Gain the power of a Twisted Elite.",
			Effect = "Gain a {{Color|u|damage reflecting aura}}, granting allies {{StatusEffectLink|Twisted Corruption}} for {{Color|u|2 seconds.}} If an ally is hit while affected by the aura, the attacker is dealt {{Color|d|2.5% of its maximum health}} as {{Color|d|damage.}}",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|His Spiteful Boon}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}",
			Type = "Affix Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
		-- /// BUFFS
		["Armor Boost"] = {
			Name = "Armor Boost",
			InternalName = "ArmorBoost",
			Image = "Status ArmorBoost",
			EffectShort = "Gain additional armor.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+200 armor}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Transport Mode}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Clay Dunestrider|Recover}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Scavenger|altText=Find Item}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Mithrix|altText=Shock Wave}}"
			Type = "Buff",
		["Attack Speed On Crit"] = {
			Name = "Attack Speed On Crit",
			InternalName = "AttackSpeedOnCrit",
			Image = "Status AttackSpeedOnCrit",
			EffectShort = "Gain additional attack speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+12% attack speed}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Predatory Instincts}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Bandit Skull"] = {
			Name = "Bandit Skull",
			InternalName = "BanditSkull",
			Image = "Status BanditSkull",
			EffectShort = "Increase damage per stack.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|d|10% damage}} per stack.",
			Source = {
				"Killing blow with {{SkillLink|Desperado}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Cloak"] = {
			Name = "Cloak",
			InternalName = "Cloak",
			Image = "Status Cloak",
			EffectShort = "Become temporarily invisible.",
			Effect = "{{Color|u|Disappear}}. Enemies cannot target invisible allies.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Old War Stealthkit}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Smoke Bomb}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Cloak Speed"] = {
			Name = "Cloak Speed",
			InternalName = "CloakSpeed",
			Image = "Status CloakSpeed",
			EffectShort = "Gain additional movement speed while invisible.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+40% movement speed}} while invisible.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Old War Stealthkit}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Smoke Bomb}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Celestine Cloak"] = {
			Name = "Celestine Cloak",
			InternalName = "AffixHauntedRecipient",
			Image = "Status AffixHauntedRecipient",
			EffectShort = "Become invisible while under the effect of a Celestine ally.",
			Effect = "{{Color|u|Disappear}}. Enemies cannot target invisible allies.",
			Source = {
				"Celestine allies.",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Elephant Armor Boost"] = {
			Name = "Elephant Armor Boost",
			InternalName = "ElephantArmorBoost",
			Image = "Status ElephantArmorBoost",
			EffectShort = "Gain massive armor.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|yellow|+500 armor}}, negating most attacks.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Jade Elephant}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Energized"] = {
			Name = "Energized",
			InternalName = "Energized",
			Image = "Status Energized",
			EffectShort = "Gain additional attack speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+70% attack speed}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|War Horn}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Full Crit"] = {
			Name = "Full Crit",
			InternalName = "FullCrit",
			Image = "Status FullCrit",
			EffectShort = "Guaranteed Critical Strike chance.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|d|+100% critical strike}} chance.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Ocular HUD}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Hidden Invincibility"] = {
			Name = "Hidden Invincibility",
			InternalName = "HiddenInvincibility",
			Image = "Status HiddenInvincibility",
			EffectShort = "Become invulnerable.",
			Effect = "Become immune to all attacks.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Blinding Assault}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Mithrix|altText=Shock Wave}}",
				"Start of each stage.",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Immune"] = {
			Name = "Immune",
			InternalName = "Immune",
			Image = "Status Immune",
			EffectShort = "Become invulnerable.",
			Effect = "Become immune to all attacks.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Dio's Best Friend}} (3s)",
				"During [[Escape Pod]] drop."
			Type = "Buff",
		["Regenerative"] = {
			Name = "Regenerative",
			InternalName = "CrocoRegen",
			Image = "Status CrocoRegen",
			EffectShort = "Gain additional health regeneration.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|hp|health regeneration}} equal to 5% of your {{Color|hp|maximum health}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Vicious Wounds}} (0.5s)",
				"{{SkillLink|Ravenous Bite}} (0.5s)"
			Type = "Buff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Medkit Heal"] = {
			Name = "Medkit Heal",
			InternalName = "MedkitHeal",
			Image = "Status MedkitHeal",
			EffectShort = "Gain health after a time delay.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|hp|health}} after a 2-second delay.",
			Source = {
			Type = "Buff",
		["Small Armor Boost"] = {
			Name = "Small Armor Boost",
			InternalName = "SmallArmorBoost",
			Image = "Status ArmorBoost",
			EffectShort = "Gain additional armor.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+100 armor}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Power Mode}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["No Cooldowns"] = {
			Name = "No Cooldowns",
			InternalName = "NoCooldowns",
			Image = "Status NoCooldowns",
			EffectShort = "No skill cooldowns.",
			Effect = "Ability cooldowns reduced to 0.5s.",
			Source = {
			Type = "Buff",
		["Tesla Field"] = {
			Name = "Tesla Field",
			InternalName = "TeslaField",
			Image = "Status TeslaField",
			EffectShort = "Shoot lightning at nearby enemies.",
			Effect = "Shock nearby enemies for {{Color|d|200% damage}} every 0.5s.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Unstable Tesla Coil}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Tonic Buff"] = {
			Name = "Tonic Buff",
			InternalName = "TonicBuff",
			Image = "Status TonicBuff",
			EffectShort = "Gain a massive boost to all stats.",
			Effect = "Gain the following boosts:<br>{{Color|hp|+150% max health}}<br>{{Color|u|+150% max shield}}<br>{{Color|u|+170% attack speed}}<br>{{Color|u|+130% movement speed}}<br>{{Color|u|+20 armor}}<br>{{Color|d|+200% base damage}}<br>{{Color|healing|+400% health regeneration}}",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Spinel Tonic}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Warbanner"] = {
			Name = "Warbanner",
			InternalName = "Warbanner",
			Image = "Status Warbanner",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased movement and attack speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+30% attack and movement speed}}.",
			Source = {
			Type = "Buff",
		["War Cry Buff"] = {
			Name = "War Cry Buff",
			InternalName = "WarCryBuff",
			Image = "Status WarCryBuff",
			EffectShort = "Enter a frenzy; gain increased movement and attack speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+50% movement speed}} and {{Color|u|+100% attack speed}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Berzerker's Pauldron}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Team War Cry"] = {
			Name = "Team War Cry",
			InternalName = "TeamWarCry",
			Image = "Status TeamWarCry",
			EffectShort = "Enter a frenzy; gain increased movement and attack speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+50% movement speed}} and {{Color|u|+100% attack speed}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Gorag's Opus}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Whip Boost"] = {
			Name = "Whip Boost",
			InternalName = "WhipBoost",
			Image = "Status WhipBoost",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased movement speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+30% movement speed}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Red Whip}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Life Steal"] = {
			Name = "Life Steal",
			InternalName = "LifeSteal",
			Image = "Status LifeSteal",
			EffectShort = "Gain health based on damage dealt.",
			Effect = "{{Color|h|Heal}} for 20% of {{Color|d|damage}} dealt.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Super Massive Leech}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Power Buff"] = {
			Name = "Power Buff",
			InternalName = "PowerBuff",
			Image = "Status PowerBuff",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased damage.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|d|+50% damage}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Mercurial Rachis}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Elemental Rings Ready"] = {
			Name = "Elemental Rings Ready",
			InternalName = "ElementalRingsReady",
			Image = "Status ElementalRingsReady",
			EffectShort = "Elemental rings are charged.",
			Effect = "Indicates that {{ItemLink|Runald's Band|noTooltip=true}} and/or {{ItemLink|Kjaro's Band|noTooltip=true}} effect can be activated.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Runald's Band}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Kjaro's Band}}",
			Type = "Buff",
		["Resonance Disc Kill Charge"] = {
			Name = "Resonance Disc Kill Charge",
			InternalName = "LaserTurbineKillCharge",
			Image = "Status LaserTurbineKillCharge",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Gain a stack per kill that lasts for 7 seconds. At 4 stacks, the {{ItemLink|Resonance Disc|noTooltip=true}} fires, resetting all stacks.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Resonance Disc}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Opal Armor"] = {
			Name = "Opal Armor",
			InternalName = "OutOfCombatArmor",
			Image = "Status OutOfCombatArmor",
			EffectShort = "Increase armor outside of danger.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|yellow|+100 armor}}. Removed on hit.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Oddly-shaped Opal}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Shuriken"] = {
			Name = "Shuriken",
			InternalName = "PrimarySkillShuriken",
			Image = "Status PrimarySkillShuriken",
			EffectShort = "Launches a shuriken on primary skill activation.",
			Effect = "Consumes a charge to launch a shuriken upon primary skill activation.",
			Source = {
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Weeping Fungus Regeneration"] = {
			Name = "Weeping Fungus Regeneration",
			InternalName = "MushroomVoidActive",
			Image = "Status MushroomVoidActive",
			EffectShort = "Heals while sprinting.",
			Effect = "{{Color|h|Heal}} while sprinting.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Weeping Fungus}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Kill Move Speed"] = {
			Name = "Kill Move Speed",
			InternalName = "KillMoveSpeed",
			Image = "Status KillMoveSpeed",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased move speed.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|+25% movement speed}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Hunter's Harpoon}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
			Stackable = true,
		["Safer Spaces Ready"] = {
			Name = "Safer Spaces Ready",
			InternalName = "BearVoidReady",
			Image = "Status BearVoidReady",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Negates the next source of damage, then goes on cooldown.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Safer Spaces}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Singularity Band Ready"] = {
			Name = "Singularity Band Ready",
			InternalName = "ElementalRingVoidReady",
			Image = "Status ElementalRingVoidReady",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Indicates that the {{ItemLink|Singularity Band|noTooltip=true}} can be activated.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Singularity Band}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Debuff Immunity"] = {
			Name = "Debuff Immunity",
			InternalName = "ImmuneToDebuff",
			Image = "Status ImmuneToDebuff",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Indicates that {{ItemLink|Ben's Raincoat|noTooltip=true}} can be activated.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Ben's Raincoat}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Void Survivor Corruption"] = {
			Name = "Void Survivor Corruption",
			InternalName = "VoidSurvivorCorruption",
			Image = "Status VoidSurvivorCorruption",
			EffectShort = "Recipient has been corrupted.",
			Effect = "Both an indicator status effect used to show that the recipient is corrupted and grants 100 armor. This status effect is only given to the {{Color|void fiend|Void Fiend}}, whom has corrupted versions of its skills.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Void Corruption}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Increased Damage"] = {
			Name = "Increased Damage",
			InternalName = "IncreaseDamage",
			Image = "Status IncreaseDamage",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased damage.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|increased damage}} while staying in combat.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Chronic Expansion}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
			Stackable = true
		["Increased Primary Damage"] = {
			Name = "Increased Primary Damage",
			InternalName = "IncreasePrimaryDamage",
			Image = "Status IncreasePrimaryDamage",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased primary damage.",
			Effect = "Gain {{Color|u|increased damage}} and {{Color|u|bonus experience on kill}} on the next {{Color|u|Primary Skill}} used.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Luminous Shot}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
			Stackable = true
		["Lantern Buff"] = {
			Name = "Lantern Buff",
			InternalName = "LowerHealthHigherDamage",
			Image = "Status LowerHealthHigherDamage",
			EffectShort = "Gain increased damage while on low health.",
			Effect = "Deal {{Color|u|20%}} more damage while below {{Color|hp|50% health}}",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Bolstering Lantern}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
		["Prayer Beads Buff"] = {
			Name = "Prayer Beads Buff",
			InternalName = "ExtraStatsOnLevelUp",
			Image = "Status ExtraStatsOnLevelUp",
			EffectShort = "Gain stats on Prayer Beads removal.",
			Effect = "On {{ItemLink|Prayer Beads}} removal, gain {{Color|h|max health}}, {{Color|h|regen}}, and {{Color|d|damage}} based on stored experience.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Prayer Beads}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
			Stackable = true
		["Emergency Teleport"] = {
			Name = "Emergency Teleport",
			InternalName = "TeleportOnLowHealth",
			Image = "Status TeleportOnLowHealth",
			EffectShort = "On low health, explode and teleport away a short distance.",
			Effect = "When reaching below {{Color|hp|25% health}} the Survivor explodes, dealing {{Color|d|350%}} {{Stack|(+350% per item stack)}} damage to nearby enemies and teleporting to a random location. This effect has a cooldown of {{Color|u|2 minutes}} {{Stack|(-20% per item stack)}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Unstable Transmitter}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
			Stackable = true
		["Growth Nectar Buff"] = {
			Name = "Growth Nectar Buff",
			InternalName = "BoostAllStats",
			Image = "Status BoostAllStats",
			EffectShort = "Increase ALL stats by 20% for 5 seconds.",
			Effect = "While benifitting from {{Color|u|5}} unique buffs, {{Color|u|ALL stats}} are increased by {{Color|u|20%}} {{Stack|(+20% per stack)}} for {{Color|u|5}} seconds.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Growth Nectar}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
		["Free Unlock"] = {
			Name = "Free Unlock",
			InternalName = "FreeUnlock",
			Image = "Status FreeUnlock",
			EffectShort = "Grants a free unlock.",
			Effect = "Grants a free unlock, allowing the player to use any [[Interactables|interactable]] for free.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Longstanding Solitude}}",
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
			Stackable = true
		["Gilded Shield"] = {
			Name = "Gilded Shield",
			InternalName = "AurelioniteBlessing",
			Image = "Status AurelioniteBlessing",
			EffectShort = "Gain a gilded shield, increasing armor and gaining gold on being hit.",
			Effect = "Gain a {{Color|u|gilded shield}}, {{Color|h|increasing armor}} by {{Color|h|60}} plus {{Color|h|10% of held gold}}. Upon taking damage while the shield is active, {{Color|u|gain gold}}, scaling with difficulty.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Aurelionite's Blessing}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}"
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
		["Twisted Corruption"] = {
			Name = "Twisted Corruption",
			InternalName = "EliteBeadCorruption",
			Image = "Status EliteBeadCorruption",
			EffectShort = "Reflect damage back to the attacker.",
			Effect = "On being hit, the attacker is dealt {{Color|d|2.5% of its maximum health}} as {{Color|d|damage.}}",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|His Spiteful Boon}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Wake of Vultures}}"
			Type = "Buff",
			Expansion = "SotS",
		["Extra Life"] = {
		  Name = "Extra Life",
		  InternalName = "ExtraLifeBuff",
		  Image = "Status ExtraLifeBuff",
		  EffectShort = "Gain an extra life.",
		  Effect = "{{Color|u|Upon death}}, this buff will be {{Color|u|removed}} and you will {{Color|h|return to life}} with {{Color|h|3 seconds of invulnerability}}.",
		  Source = {
		    "[[Shrine of Shaping]]"
		  Type = "Buff",
		  Expansion = "SotS"
		-- /// DEBUFFS
		["Burn"] = {
			Name = "Burn",
			InternalName = "OnFire",
			Image = "Status OnFire",
			EffectShort = "Damage over time, disable health regeneration.",
			Effect = "Applies a percent of {{Color|d|damage}} over time, and {{Color|hp|disables health regeneration}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Flame Bolt}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Molten Perforator}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Molotov (6-Pack)}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Magma Worm}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Elder Lemurian|altText=Fire Breath}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Grandparent|altText=Solar Flare}}"
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Bleed"] = {
			Name = "Bleed",
			InternalName = "Bleeding",
			Image = "Status Bleeding",
			EffectShort = "Damage over time.",
			Effect = "Deals {{Color|d|240% damage}} over time [3 x proc coefficient] (20% per tick, 4 ticks per second).",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Tri-Tip Dagger}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Noxious Thorn}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Imp Overlord|altText=Spike Volley}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Hemorrhage"] = {
			Name = "Hemorrhage",
			InternalName = "SuperBleeding",
			Image = "Status SuperBleeding",
			EffectShort = "Damage over time.",
			Effect = "{{Color|d|2000% base damage}} over 15s.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Serrated Dagger}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Serrated Shiv}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Poison"] = {
			Name = "Poison",
			InternalName = "Poisoned",
			Image = "Status Poisoned",
			EffectShort = "Damage over time.",
			Effect = "Deals 1% of the victim's {{Color|d|maximum damage}} per second, or an amount per second equivalent to Acrid's damage stat, whichever is greater. Lasts 10 seconds.",
			Source = {
				"{{EnvironmentLink|Sulfur Pools|altText=Sulfur Bubbles}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Blight"] = {
			Name = "Blight",
			InternalName = "Blight",
			Image = "Status Blight",
			EffectShort = "Damage over time.",
			Effect = "Deals {{Color|d|20% base damage}} stat per tick, or {{Color|d|60% damage}} per second for 5 seconds.",
			Source = {
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Helfire"] = {
			Name = "Helfire",
			InternalName = "Helfire",
			Image = "Helfire Tincture",
			EffectShort = "Damage over time.",
			Effect = "Deals {{Color|d|damage}} over time. This debuff exists only as a Damage over Time effect, but still counts towards the debuffs for {{ItemLink|Death Mark|noTooltip=true}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Helfire Tincture}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Expose"] = {
			Name = "Expose",
			InternalName = "MercExpose",
			Image = "Status MercExpose",
			EffectShort = "Hitting exposed enemies reduces skill cooldowns and increases damage.",
			Effect = "Hitting exposed enemies {{Color|u|reduces all skill cooldowns}} by 1 second and deals an additional {{Color|d|350% damage}}.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Laser Sword}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Focused Assault}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Slicing Winds}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Death Mark"] = {
			Name = "Death Mark",
			InternalName = "DeathMark",
			Image = "Status DeathMark",
			EffectShort = "Increase damage from all sources.",
			Effect = "Increases {{Color|d|damage taken}} from {{Color|hp|all sources}} by 50% for 7 (+7 per stack) seconds.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Death Mark}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = false,
		["Pulverize Buildup"] = {
			Name = "Pulverize Buildup",
			InternalName = "PulverizeBuildup",
			Image = "Status PulverizeBuildup",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Upon getting 5 stacks, reset all stacks and apply the '''Pulverized''' debuff.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Shattering Justice}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Pulverized"] = {
			Name = "Pulverized",
			InternalName = "Pulverized",
			Image = "Status Pulverized",
			EffectShort = "Reduce armor greatly.",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|armor}} by 60.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Shattering Justice}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Cripple"] = {
			Name = "Cripple",
			InternalName = "Cripple",
			Image = "Status Cripple",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|armor}} by 20. Reduces {{Color|u|movement speed}} by 50%.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Effigy of Grief}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Mithrix}} attacks",
				"[[Commencement#Releasing the Rescue Ship|Pillars of Design]] shockwave",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Weak"] = {
			Name = "Weak",
			InternalName = "Weak",
			Image = "Status Weak",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|armor}} by 30, reduces {{Color|u|movement speed and damage}} by 40%.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|DIRECTIVE: Inject}}",
				"{{SkillLink|DIRECTIVE: Disperse}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Beetle Juice"] = {
			Name = "Beetle Juice",
			InternalName = "BeetleJuice",
			Image = "Status BeetleJuice",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduce {{Color|d|movement speed}}, {{Color|hp|character damage}}, and {{Color|d|attack speed}} by 5%.",
			Source = {
				"{{MonsterLink|Beetle Queen}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Tar"] = {
			Name = "Tar",
			InternalName = "ClayGoo",
			Image = "Status ClayGoo",
			EffectShort = "Reduces movement speed.",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|movement speed}} by 50% (in practice, 33.3%).",
			Source = {
				"{{EnvironmentLink|Abandoned Aqueduct}} goo & exploding pots",
				"{{ItemLink|Mired Urn}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Clay Dunestrider}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Clay Templar|altText=Tar Blast}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Clay Apothecary}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["50% Slow"] = {
			Name = "50% Slow",
			InternalName = "Slow50",
			Image = "Status Slow50",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|movement speed}} by 50% (in practice, 33.3%).",
			Source = {
				"{{MonsterLink|Solus Control Unit}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Alloy Worship Unit}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Clay Templar}} (to self while shooting)",
				"{{MonsterLink|Mini Mushrum}}",
				"{{MonsterLink|Void Jailer}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Arrow Rain}}",
				"{{SkillLink|TR58 Carbonizer Turret}}",
				"{{SkillLink|Power Mode}}",
				"{{SurvivorLink|Void Fiend}} (to self while using {{SkillLink|Corrupted Drown}})"
			Type = "Debuff",
		["60% Slow"] = {
			Name = "60% Slow",
			InternalName = "Slow60",
			Image = "Status Slow60",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|movement speed}} by 60% (in practice, 37.5%).",
			Source = {
			Type = "Debuff",
		["80% Slow"] = {
			Name = "80% Slow",
			InternalName = "Slow80",
			Image = "Status Slow80",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|movement speed}} by 80% (in practice, 45.5%).",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Runald's Band}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Frost Relic}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Nullify Stack"] = {
			Name = "Nullify Stack",
			InternalName = "NullifyStack",
			Image = "Status NullifyStack",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Upon getting 3 stacks, reset all stacks and apply the '''Nullified''' debuff.",
			Source = {
				"{{MonsterLink|Void Reaver}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Nullified"] = {
			Name = "Nullified",
			InternalName = "Nullified",
			Image = "Status Nullified",
			EffectShort = "Drastically reduce movement speed.",
			Effect = "Reduce {{Color|u|movement speed}} to 0.",
			Source = {
				"{{MonsterLink|Void Reaver}} (after 3 stacks of {{StatusEffectLink|Nullify Stack}})",
				"{{MonsterLink|Void Jailer}}"
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Entangle"] = {
			Name = "Entangle",
			InternalName = "Entangle",
			Image = "Status Entangle",
			EffectShort = "Drastically reduce movement speed.",
			Effect = "Reduce {{Color|u|movement speed}} to 0.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|Tangling Growth}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Fruiting"] = {
			Name = "Fruiting",
			InternalName = "Fruiting",
			Image = "Status Fruiting",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Spawn 2-8 {{Color|hp|healing}} fruits on death.",
			Source = {
				"{{SkillLink|DIRECTIVE: Harvest}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Healing Disabled"] = {
			Name = "Healing Disabled",
			InternalName = "HealingDisabled",
			Image = "Status HealingDisabled",
			EffectShort = "Disables healing.",
			Effect = "Disables all healing, including base health regeneration and item regeneration.",
			Source = {
				"{{StatusEffectLink|Malachite}} elites",
			Type = "Debuff",
		["Permanent Curse"] = {
			Name = "Permanent Curse",
			InternalName = "PermanentCurse",
			Image = "Status PermanentCurse",
			EffectShort = "Permanently decrease maximum health per stage.",
			Effect = "Maximum health reduced by a factor of <code>1 + 0.01 ⋅ n </code>, where <code>n</code> is the number of stacks.", -- what is going on with this string lol
			Source = {
				"Taking damage on [[Alternate Game Modes#Eclipse|Eclipse 8]]",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Overheat"] = {
			Name = "Overheat",
			InternalName = "Overheat",
			Image = "Status Overheat",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Increases the duration of burn damage from {{MonsterLink|Grandparent|Grandparent's|noTooltip=true}} sun attack.",
			Source = {
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Lunar Root"] = {
			Name = "Lunar Root",
			InternalName = "LunarySecondaryRoot",
			Image = "Status LunarySecondaryRoot",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Reduce {{Color|u|movement speed}} to 0 for 3 (3 per stack) seconds.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Hooks of Heresy}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Ruin"] = {
			Name = "Ruin",
			InternalName = "LunarDetonator",
			Image = "Status LunarDetonator",
			EffectShort = "Consumes Ruins stacks to deal additional damage.",
			Effect = "Consumes Ruin stacks to deal 300% {{Color|d|damage}} plus 120% {{Color|d|damage}} per Ruin stack",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Essence of Heresy}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Stronger Burn"] = {
			Name = "Stronger Burn",
			InternalName = "StrongerBurn",
			Image = "Status StrongerBurn",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Stronger variant of the Ignite effect. Increases {{Color|d|damage}} taken from burning.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Ignition Tank}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
			Stackable = true,
		["Collapse"] = {
			Name = "Collapse",
			InternalName = "Fracture",
			Image = "Status Fracture",
			EffectShort = "Deals damage after a delay.",
			Effect = "3 seconds after the first stack is applied, deals 400% {{Color|d|damage}} per stack and removes all stacks.",
			Source = {
				"{{StatusEffectLink|AffixVoid}} elites"
			Type = "Debuff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
			Stackable = true,
		["Permanent Armor Reduction"] = {
			Name = "Permanent Armor Reduction",
			InternalName = "PermanentDebuff",
			Image = "Status PermanentDebuff",
			EffectShort = "Permanently reduces armor.",
			Effect = "Reduces {{Color|u|armor}} by 2 (2 per stack) for the remainder of the stage, or until killed.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Symbiotic Scorpion}}",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
			Stackable = true,
		["Void Fog"] = {
			Name = "Void Fog",
			InternalName = "VoidFog",
			Image = "Status VoidFog",
			EffectShort = "Recipient is under the effect of Void Fog.",
			Effect = "Indicator status effect used to show the recipient is under the effect of Void Fog, which deals a small amount of {{Color|d|damage}} multiple times per second, {{Color|hp|increasing with each tick}}. This damage cannot be blocked or reduced by items such as {{ItemLink|Tougher Times|noTooltip=true}} or {{ItemLink|Repulsion Armor Plate|noTooltip=true}}.",
			Source = {
				"Outside cell vents in the {{EnvironmentLink|Void Fields}}",
				"Outside safe zones in the {{EnvironmentLink|Void Locus}}",
				"Outside safe zones in the [[Simulacrum]]",
				"Fog surrounding a [[Void Seed]]",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Void Fog Strong"] = {
			Name = "Void Fog Strong",
			InternalName = "VoidFogStrong",
			Image = "Status VoidFogStrong",
			EffectShort = "Recipient is under the effect of the Strong Void Fog.",
			Effect = "Indicator status effect used to show the recipient is under the effect of Strong Void Fog, which deals a small amount of {{Color|d|damage}} multiple times per second, {{Color|hp|increasing with each tick}}. This damage cannot be blocked or reduced by items such as {{ItemLink|Tougher Times|noTooltip=true}} or {{ItemLink|Repulsion Armor Plate|noTooltip=true}}.",
			Source = {
				"Second and third phases of the {{MonsterLink|Voidling}} boss fight",
			Type = "Debuff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
		["Lunar Ruin"] = {
		  Name = "Lunar Ruin",
		  InternalName = "LunarRuin",
		  Image = "Lunar Ruin",
		  EffectShort = "",
		  Effect = "Enemies hit take {{Color|d|+10%}} more damage from all sources, are slowed, and reduces healing for {{Color|u|5}} seconds.Lunar Ruin can stack.",
		  Source = {
		    "{{SkillLink|Lunar Spikes}}",
		    "Lightning on {{EnvironmentLink|Prime Meridian}}"
		  Type = "Debuff",
		  Expansion = "SotS"
		["Disable All Skills"] = {
		  Name = "Disable All Skills",
		  InternalName = "DisableAllSkills",
		  Image = "Status DisableAllSkills",
		  EffectShort = "",
		  Effect = "Disable the use of all skills and Equipment.",
		  Source = {
		    "{{MonsterLink|False Son (Boss)|altText=False Son}} (third phase)"
		  Type = "Debuff",
		  Expansion = "SotS"
		["Soul Cost"] = {
		  Name = "Soul Cost",
		  InternalName = "SoulCost",
		  Image = "Status SoulCost",
		  EffectShort = "",
		  Effect = "Reduce {{Color|d|maximum health}} by 10% (+10% per stack).",
		  Source = {
		    "[[Shrine of Shaping]]"
		  Type = "Debuff",
			Stackable = true,
		  Expansion = "SotS"
		["Elemental Rings Cooldown"] = {
			Name = "Elemental Rings Cooldown",
			InternalName = "ElementalRingsCooldown",
			Image = "Status ElementalRingsCooldown",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Indicates that {{ItemLink|Runald's Band|noTooltip=true}} and {{ItemLink|Kjaro's Band|noTooltip=true}} are on cooldown. A stack is removed per second.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Runald's Band}}",
				"{{ItemLink|Kjaro's Band}}"
			Type = "Cooldown Buff",
			Stackable = true,
		["Safer Spaces Cooldown"] = {
			Name = "Safer Spaces Cooldown",
			InternalName = "BearVoidCooldown",
			Image = "Status BearVoidCooldown",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Indicates that damage negation is on cooldown. A stack is removed per second.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Safer Spaces}}",
			Type = "Cooldown Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
			Stackable = true,
		["Singularity Band Cooldown"] = {
			Name = "Singularity Band Cooldown",
			InternalName = "ElementalRingVoidCooldown",
			Image = "Status ElementalRingVoidCooldown",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Indicates that {{ItemLink|Singularity Band|noTooltip=true}} is on cooldown. A stack is removed per second.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Singularity Band}}",
			Type = "Cooldown Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",
			Stackable = true,
		["Debuff Immunity Cooldown"] = {
			Name = "Debuff Immunity Cooldown",
			InternalName = "ImmuneToDebuffConsumed",
			Image = "Status ImmuneToDebuffConsumed",
			EffectShort = "",
			Effect = "Indicates that {{ItemLink|Ben's Raincoat|noTooltip=true}} is on cooldown.",
			Source = {
				"{{ItemLink|Ben's Raincoat}}",
			Type = "Cooldown Buff",
			Expansion = "SotV",