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This is the documentation page for Module:Equipment/Data

Database of Risk of Rain 2's Equipments.

Equipment Entry Schema

	["Equipment Name"] = {
		Rarity = "Legendary",
		Quote = "Item quote",
		Desc = "Item description",
		Category = { "Damage" },
		Unlock = "Challenge that item is locked behind",
		ID = 1,
		LocalizationInternalName = "EQUIPMENT_NAME",
Key/Column Name Data Type Required? Explanation/Description Example(s)
Cooldown Number (integer) ✔️ Equipment cooldown time in seconds 60
Category Table (of strings) ✔️ Array of internal item categories that the item belongs to { "Utility", "BrotherBlacklist" }
Desc String ✔️ Description of item (EN localization), formatted using wikitext and templates to match in-game UI "{{Color|d|10%}} chance to fire a missile that deals {{Color|d|300%}} {{Stack|(+300% per stack)}} TOTAL damage."
Duration Number (integer) ✔️ Equipment duration time in seconds 20
Elite String Prefix of the Elite variant that Elite equipment can drop from (EN localization) "Mending"
Expansion String Abbreviation of the expansion that unlocks this item "SotV"
ID Number (integer) Internal ID of item 1
Introduced String The game version in which the item was first introduced on PC build ""
LocalizationInternalName String ✔️ Internal name of item used for localization in \Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\StreamingAssets\Language\en\Equipment.txt "EQUIPMENT_BFG"
Name String Name of item (EN localization) "Ukulele"
Quote String ✔️ Item's flavor text (EN localization) "Luck is on your side."
Rarity String ✔️ Rarity of the item (EN localization) "Equipment"
Unlock String Name of challenge that item is locked behind (EN localization) "Moon Worshipper"